Express Interview Coaching

Are you prepared?

Did you know that the most popular interview technique is structured interviews and behavioral interviews, used by over 73% of HR professionals?

(LinkedIn Global Recruiting Trends)

Can you put your best foot forward in a virtual interview too?

81% talent professionals say virtual recruiting will continue even after post Covid. 70% agree it will become the new standard.

(LinkedIn talent insights 2020  across 1518 professionals from 25 countries)

You will most likely go through a psychometric assessment. Can you make it work to your advantage?

Personality profiling and assessment tools are also being used more. … multiple forms of tech-based profiling and psychometric tests are now used — even more so than before the pandemic.

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Your competition is now not limited to your geography

This “new normal” — in other words, an increasingly remote, digital and internationalized way of working — is giving businesses more scope to look further afield for talent. Around 40% of clients have asked us to look across borders and run global searches for senior talent”

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You are competing not only with other candidates, but increasingly with internal talent as well

73% of  (HR professionals) say internal recruiting is increasing. Internal mobility is up by 20% since onset of  Covid.  (LinkedIn global talent trends 2020)

Do you have an important interview coming up soon? Getting an expert on your side could prove to be a valuable advantage!

Is this for you?

Go for the Express Interview Coaching solution to get an edge even when you are pressed for time.

The Express Interview Coaching supplements the Interview Preparation Playbook video course with specific feedback and valuable guidance. If you have even a few days between you and the interview, go for this one. There is nothing like feedback from a trusted, experienced source to point out how to make your stories more impactful, how you are coming across or what are your blind-spots.

Over two personalized sessions, I can help you refine your key stories, practice some of the most anticipated questions, and craft and practice specific answers to any area you may not be confident about. I recommend this package highly, simply because I have seen and experienced that feedback can do wonders!

Course Progress
0/ 7 0% Complete

What the Course is

  • High impact support at short notice
  • Go for this if your interview is within the next 7-14 days
  • Two personal 1:1 coaching sessions of 60 mins each

What you get

  • Review and crafting of 3- 5 High impact career stories
  • Power packed personal guidance on what to highlight, what to avoid
  • 30-40 mins mock virtual practice, recording and feedback
  • Priority appointments at short notice

If you’ve already purchased the Interview Preparation Playbook Video Course, you will get a discount for Interview Deep Dive. Write to for details.

Why should you work with me?

I’m an Executive Coach (PCC-ICF) with two decades of experience on the other side of the table. As an HR leader with some of the top multinational organizations, I have interviewed 1000X candidates across levels, geographies, industries and domains. I know first-hand what is it  that organizations are looking for, how hiring decisions are made, why some candidates make it and some miss it by a hair-breadth, or a mile!  I understand how interviews for leadership roles are different from those early in your career. I have not only hired, but trained 100X interviewers on the process and art of effective interviewing.  You have the advantage of accessing this experience by getting coached directly by me. No matter what your experience and achievements in your domain, you will gain tremendously from having an experienced coach on your side as you aim for your next dream job or career opportunity.

I have supported my clients land roles such as:  Executive VP(Food & Ag sector), Sr. Director (IT sector), Director (Health sector),  Country Manager (Energy Sector) across Indian and Multinational corporates,  various roles in US Civil &Foreign Services, International Organizations and others

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